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She was a very loving cat that was there for me when my parent divorced
She was a great mouser (Sometimes bringing them to us and making us get onto the kitchen table).
She was my first Cat.All she wanted you to do was cuddle her.
Love Tia Dawn Jenkins

If Tears could build a stairway and heartache make a lane, I'd walk the path to heaven and bring you back again. Denver I hear the echos of your purr, baby I will always love you and we will meet again.
Love Linda Goodman

Bubby George, what can we say.
You were with us for a very long time
In all those years you never lost your love of rocks. Couldn't eat your food without a rock in the bowl.
You couldn't resist any flying object, sticks, rocks
balls, all were meant to be thrown for you to catch. Over the years you wore your teeth down to nubs.
You were a nibbler, not a biter. You always made us
laugh. Rolling your own big snow balls. Tearing out the grass as you drug your rock backwards through the woods.
You were such a sweet boy
We love you. We miss you. We'll never forget you. When we meet again we'll have a stick in our hand for you
Love Daddy, Mommy, Peanut and Moody
"A Little Dog
High up in the courts of heaven today
a little dog angel waits;
with the other angels he will not play,
but he sits alone at the gates.
"For I know my master will come" says he,
"and when he comes he will call for me."
The other angels pass him by
As they hurry toward the throne,
And he watches them with a wistful eye
as he sits at the gate alone.
"But I know. if I wait patiently
that someday my master will call for me."
And his master, down on earth below,
as he sits in his easy chair,
forgets sometime, and whispers low
to the dog who is not there.
And the little dog angels cocks his ears
and dreams that his master's voice he hears.
And when at last his master waits
outside in the dark and cold,
for the hand of death to open the door,
that leads to those courts of gold.
he will hear a 'bark
Author Unknown
This is my Mingy (Shoo-Ming Wee Shu Toi). He came to me in January of 1970, shortly after my Choo-Choo passed on. He was a very sweet, very busy boy. I only saw him sleeping twice in all of his nine years. Everywhere he went he brought one of his babies (toys), even when he went outside for a walk. He loved to walk fast, and it was often hard to keep up with him, even with those short little legs.
Love Lin

You came to us a smelly, half starved, 6 month old puppy.
We washed you,
nourished you, and watched you grow into a beautiful girl Our Goosy Girl
You filled our lives with laughter and joy. So silly in your ways And so full of "tough" love.
We never realized how much we drew from your quiet strength
We never knew how much we depended on your protective ways. To watch you bite a tennis ball in half.
Or do your growly groany rolls across the carpet
To watch you sleep with the tip of your tongue sticking out Or have you shove your way out the door so you could be first out
You were taken from us too soon and too suddenly. Eleven and a half years was not enough.
emptiness we feel can not be filled. We love you Bubby Goose. We miss you.
We'll never forget you. We anxiously await our reunion with you
Love Daddy, Mommy and Baby Jo

1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6,
7, 8,
11, 12,
13, 14,
15, 16,
19, 20,
Index Page

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