If you would like to email or send a card to the special
friend left behind of each pet. Please click
on the name underlined in blue
after each post.


Loyal companion for 10 years, he was given to us by a shower/breeder who was getting out of the Boxer business. He was 5 at the time and never gave us any trouble. We were soul mates from the first day I met him. He's missed daily 

Love Mommy


My little trusting guy, you were taken from me too soon. I'm honored
to have been able to love and take care of you. My little sleeping
buddy who I will always miss. I'll never forget you and the way you touched my heart and the way you showed your love to me 

Love Debbie Grahm

Why did you leave You are still every beat of my heart and always will be. The tears still come, my heart still hurts and your loss never seems to get any easier.

Love Helen Gregory

"Holes in Your Heart"

Dedicated to Cinemax 

As they leave for the Rainbow Bridge, they leave another hole in our heart.
We have so many ways of dealing with our time apart.

As their little souls leave their furbaby body so it can stay
Their journey begins to the Rainbow Bridge far away

They shall begin the search for others that left us alone before they came
They all become a family and start the wait together with no shame

 Each and every one has a special place in our hearts where they left their own little hole
Each and everyone had their own part they played in our life and their own special role

For those left behind some the holes are many, for some the holes are few
All have sorrow in their hearts, but all loved them true

I know my heart is full of many holes for those that have already gone ahead
It will be full of many more holes as I can’t leave a furbaby alone and unfed

In your life you will have a special one that becomes your soul and one will be your heart
Then your journey will begin to join them all and refill all the holes in your heart

By Helen Gregory


I loved you very much you gorgeous sweet kitty! 

Love Katrin

My bright, wonderful boy….gone too soon.

Love Stephanie Darling 

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10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

18, 1920, 21  Index Page

Rainbow Bridge Calendars

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